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Sujet : <span>Raspberry Pi</span>
Awesome home automation with Raspberry PI and Arduino using Node.js, MongoDB, HTML5 and Websockets.
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Recently I’ve started experimenting with a Raspberry Pi. This small device is a small linux computer almost the size of a creditcard, and costing just 40 euro. It comes with…
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Liz: When Clive and I are asked what schools project in the past year has really knocked our socks off, our response is usually the AirPi, an inexpensive pollution and…
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To make the Raspberry Pi computer board more accessible to educational users the Model B board is being sold with an 8Gbyte SD card pre-installed with NOOBS offering a choice of over 6 operating systems…
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Aujourd’hui un article tout simple (bah ouais c’est dimanche !) et rapide à mettre en place surtout si vous avez déjà un fil électrique !
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Certains n’aiment pas avoir leurs informations accessibles par des entreprises comme Google, Apple ou autre. Que ce soit pour les emails, les contacts ou les calendriers, plusieurs solutions existent. Cet article…
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Si vous souhaitez vous procurer un Chromecast et que vous possédez un RaspberryPi ou une clé Android, vous n’aurez peut-être pas besoin de vous en achetez un, grâce à deux…
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Home automation hacker Charlie Cole has employed a Raspberry Pi to create a voice interface to his LightwaveRF devices. A virtual butler is born and ‘Jeeves’ controls lights, sockets and IR devices using…
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PiHome testing at home. 😉 PiHome it´s a – RaspberryPi + Wifi dongle – Remote Control + FET-Platine with little LED´s in SMD. – Raspbian ( a RaspberryPi Deb…
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